乡下公鸡打鸣太吵?法国:“感官遗产”要庇护France passes ‘sensory heritage’ law after plight of Maurice the noisy rooster中国日报网 2021-01-22 12:54乡下空气清新,水质好,可是陪伴而来的是一大早被公鸡打鸣吵醒的懊恼,到处可见的牲口粪便,农场传出的阵阵臭味……面临外来者和度假者的埋怨,法国政府经过了一项新律例来庇护村落的“感官遗产”,意义很明显:既然你要来乡下住,你就得忍受乡下的一切。Cock-a-doodle-doo: a rowdy rooster named Maurice made headlines in 2019 after a court rejected a bid by neighbours to have him silenced. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFPFrom crowing roosters to the whiff of barnyard animals, the “sensory heritage” of France’s countryside will now be protected by law from attempts to stifle the everyday aspects of rural life from newcomers looking for peace and quiet.从公鸡的打鸣声到农场动物的臭味,从现在起头,法国村落的“感官遗产”将遭到法令庇护,阻止新近搬到村落居住的报酬了追求和蔼安好对村落平常生活的各个方面停止压制。French senators on Thursday gave final approval to a law proposed in the wake of several high-profile conflicts by village residents and vacationers, or recent arrivals derided as “neo-rurals”.在村民和度假者或刚入住的“新村民”之间发生了几起引人注视标胶葛案件后,法国参议院本周四(1月21日)终极核准了这项法令。A rowdy rooster named Maurice, in particular, made headlines in 2019 after a court in western France rejected a bid to have him silenced by neighbours who had purchased a holiday home nearby.2019年,一只名叫莫里斯的吵闹公鸡登上了消息头条。法国西部的一家法院采纳了邻人让其恬静的诉讼请求。起诉者在养鸡人家四周采办了一处度假屋。Maurice the rooster finally has something to crow about. Photograph: Régis Duvignau/Reuters"Living in the countryside implies accepting some nuisances,” Joël Giraud, the government’s minister in charge of rural life, told lawmakers.法国政府管辖村落生活的部长乔尔·吉劳德告诉立法者说:“在乡下居住意味着要忍受一些未便。”Cow bells (and cow droppings), grasshopper chirps and noisy early-morning tractors are also now considered part of France’s natural heritage that will be codified in its environmental legislation.牛铃声(还有牛粪)、蚱蜢啼声、早晨拖拉机的轰鸣声现在也被视为法国自然遗产的一部分,将被编入法国的情况律例中。"It sends a strong message,” said Pierre-Antoine Lévi, the senator who acted as rapporteur for the bill. “It can act as a useful tool for local officials as they carry out their educational and mediation duties.”该法案的报告人、参议员皮埃尔-安托万·利维说:“这一法令转达出一条激烈的讯息。当地官员在展开教育和调解工作时可以将其作为一个有用的工具。”rapporteur [ˌræpɔːrˈtɜːr]: n. (受构造指定的)会务报告人,观察员The law is emblematic of growing tensions in the countryside between longtime residents and outsiders whose bucolic expectations often clash with everyday realities.该法令揭露着村落地域的常住居民和外来者之间日益严重的关系。这些外来者的故乡胡想经常战争常的现实生活发生抵触。bucolic [bjuːˈkɑːlɪk]: adj. 村歌的;牧羊的;乡下风味的‘Maurice’ and his owner Corinne Fesseau in their garden in western France. A complaint about the loud calls of the cockerel, who has died, was rejected by a tribunal in 2019. Photograph: Xavier Leoty/AFPCorinne Fesseau and her rooster Maurice became the image of the fight when she was brought to court by pensioners next door over the bird’s shrill wake-up calls.住在科琳娜·菲索隔邻的退休邻人由于她饲养的公鸡莫里斯尖锐的报晓鸣啼声而把菲索告上了法庭。菲索和莫里斯的合照成了这场讼事的代表性图片。Critics saw the lawsuit as part of a broader threat to France’s hallowed rural heritage by outsiders and city dwellers unable or unwilling to understand the realities of country life.批评人士以为,这起诉讼案件代表没法或不愿了解村落生活现实的外来者和城市居民给法国崇高的村落遗产带来的普遍威胁。Thousands of people signed a “Save Maurice” petition, and a judge eventually upheld the cock-a-doodle-doos.数万人签订了“救救莫里斯”示威书,法官最初判决莫里斯可以继续啼叫。In another case from 2019, a woman in the duck-breeding heartland of the Landes region was brought to court by a newcomer neighbour fed up with the babbling of the ducks and geese in her back garden.在2019年的另一路案件中,一位住在法国朗德中心地带养鸭区的女子被新来的邻人告上了法庭。邻人暗示受够了她后花园里鸭鹅的啼声。A court in south-west France also threw out that case.法国西南部的一家法院也采纳了这一诉讼请求。英文来历:卫报翻译&编辑:丹妮 |